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Thank you so much Im trying to make a survival game with "Construct" and I can't make animations I've used some of your strips and they work really well! I was wondering if you could possibly make animations of the character using an axe or pickaxe. Thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)

Are you kidding me!

Great work!


I love this. I would even pay for a premium version if it had a "Rifle" animations. Or a simplified version but with 4 directions look 


Hi  o/

I'm building a foss engine under GPL3 and this asset you created is very interesting, it would made clear on my examples that it is a template for a character.

But your license terms make it ambiguous if I can use it in this context since I would have to pack your image files with the code to make it usable.

As you understand it, Is this considered "redistribution"?

Maybe you could consider using one of the Creative Commons licenses to avoid this ambiguity in the terms of use?


not sure which CC license applies exactly. You can use it in any game projects commercial or noncommercial. I just don't want people to take the asset pack and start selling it as their own asset pack when it is intended to be free

You can take a look at all the options here:
But by what you describe, the CC BY-NC one seams a good math.

wdym free

Thank you for changing the license  o/

It took much longer than I unanticipated to publish the project in a presentable state, but here it is:

Take a look if you would like me to change something related to how I present your work (credit and license for images are at the resource directory), just let me know.

I will have screenshots eventually, but right now the demo is not actually doing much.

(1 edit)

Thanks to the people who did this ! 

Maybe you could add more case, like when the character take something, or bring something with his arm over his head.

Really nice Job ;-) if i can suggest the "Jump Sword Attack" ;-)


I love this!!! Actually a godsend if u want to create a pixel art game but ur not an artist


Finagled it fairly well for my own purposes already, but IMO worth considering a sort of "standing up straight" idle pose more suitable for NPCs, who shouldn't look like they're preparing to dash off on a moment's notice the same way a player sprite can.


You are THE GOAT

I will use this-

(1 edit)

Just paid for this even though it's free at the moment. Please keep up the awesome work, I look forward to more! If you could do a rifle type shooting animation, that would be great too.

How may I contact you directly?


I'm using this sprite set in the development of my FOSS platformer project. 

You can check the project out in Github.

If you'd like to try it yourself, head over to the latest releases


This is such a wonderful set of sprites. I am building out my initial mechanics for a side-scroller and these assets have been wonderful to work with. Thank you as well for putting everything in layers in the aseprite files, great for splitting top and bottom half if needed.

If anyone else is using Godot, the Importality plugin in the asset store works really well with these assets and if the sprites look blurry or off, it's always something with the import settings.

can you please sure on the process of applying this animations on your own character? 
im new to this and wondering how to do that

I really like this pack and can't wait for more. Good job making these. Do you know when the next set will be?


Just need to say, this asset pack helped me out a lot. I'm working on my first game solo, and found there is a bit of a learning curve from being an artist and transitioning to doing pixel animation. Using these as a base to work off of has been game changing for me. Thanks!


Hello! All the downloaded Sprite Sheets are super blurry compared to how they look here on your website (I'm talking about the .PNGs themselves - before even importing them to Unreal)

Can't believe I'm doing something wrong since we are literally talking about pressing the download button :D but can't find anyone else complaining about this so am I a dum dum?


Assets themselves are fine for me. What are you viewing them with? If it's the default image viewer for Windows it's using the wrong algorhythm for upscaling when used for pixel art. Last time I checked there was no way to change this, but some other viewers (ImageGlass comes to mind) don't blur. In Unreal you probably can disable this + antialiasing.

hi friend, could you throw courses on animation and the like


Going to re-add that a downward attack would be nice - Your pack looks great!

Hi, I'm new to unity. I need to know if I would need to manually remove the background in each asperite file?

I have also tried extracting the sprites from the spritesheet but they are blured. Please guide if possible. Thanks in advance

That is a common question. This isn't a unity tutorial, but you should be able to find a lot of tutorials on YouTube or a Google search. 

You would essentially import the sprite sheet to unity and splice the sprite sheet (each frame) into their intended size. There are several things to do when working with pixel art in unity such as setting to point (no filter) and changing the compression to none which would help with the blurriness.

Thanks for the reply. Instead of using the filters I disabled the background layer of the aseprite file. Will use this method from now

hi friend, could you throw courses on animation and the like


Good afternoon, I fell in love with your pack, but don't you think that in the near future it's worth putting a katana block, for example, instead of swimming


This is an amazing assets pack! Thank you! As someone who views creating visual assets especially for the player character models a daunting task - this is a life saver, especially for something so important as player movement that needs to look natural and feel good while playing!

since it is a prototype asset, I would easily pay for other weapons animations, spears, bows and so on...

Such an amazing and helpful pack with tons of animations to help with developing. Was wondering if you had plans for aerial melee attacks and combos and maybe a ground slam? other than that excited for what else is in store for this pack

Truly awesome and a big help to many of us who are new to animation and developing. Hope you make more of these

First of all, this pack is amazing. I am shocked at, not only how many things are included, but the quality of each one.  There are obviously some things that are missing, however, I couldn't expect any more from a free pack.

Also, have you though about adding kicks to the pack (the fighting kind, not the shoes)?


Awesome Job dude!,

I'm trying to make a prototype for a game and this pack is Excellent for implementing quick animations, more over the fact that I can make it my own later is awesome!! Anyways I'm gonna give you credit for sure! Credit is due! 

Peace & <3

can you please sure on the process of applying this animations on your own character? 
im new to this and wondering how to do that


Thanks for making this asset. It have a very good quality for a free asset. I'm using it to participating game jams and it's very useful for every side scrolling game.


A downward attack would be great! - Can be used to slash off of spikes or something


Wow this is... Really amazing, thank you so much!!


Hello, you could maybe make a katana attack while the player is running??

thats a good idea


Thank you very much for this! Awesome asset!

can this be used in unity or other?



The only things missing from this being PERFECTO is:

  • sword fighting (like in Sid Meyer’s Pirates! or Prince of Persia)
  • bullwhip attack (like in Zorro–the DOS one that was a clone of Prince of Persia)
  • and grapple-cable swing (like Bionic Commando)

I wouldn’t mind doing those myself, if I ever need them! If I make ‘em, I’ll send them your way! :D


what a nice asset pack. i was just wondering if you could make the sword run like held down, close to horizontally, two handed (like demon slayer i guess)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much for this guide animation, helps alot


Hey amazing work i will definitely be using this in the future. Could i request a couple more simple animations? (specifically hurt animations for being hit in the head or stomach, and animations for being slammed into a wall/floor) Thanks


Thank you very much for this asset, it is really incredible.

 I used it to create my game "Duck Rescue" you can try it for free.

(1 edit)

I am working on a pitfall remake (the mayan adventure) and this asset is great for prototyping! By any change do you plan on adding a rope animation?

Like here?


crazy good asset, i was wondering if it was possible to also have a sword-walking animation. Aside from that, good job!


Wow, this is exactly what I was looking for as I usually edit pixel art resources but you've offered me a solution. I'm going to test this a write a full review as soon as I grab Aseprite from my steam directory. (It could help to also share .psd or something else as an alternative format)

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