Fantastic pack! I'll really enjoy utilizing this and taking off some of the pressure on the artwork side as i'm more of a programmer. Really wish i was financially able to support with more than 1$, might buy you a cup of coffee one day tho!
Hey bro , I am making a platformer pack . i made everything from tilesets to background ,but then i realized that this is the only paid pack i used instead of drawing , soooo , can i resell the modified character as part of the pack while giving credits to you ? please respond, I appreciate your opinion.
Just purchased! This looks great and I might be able to use it as the foundation for my top down 2d game i'm making currently! I'll have to make some downward and upward movement for it -- unless you have interest or plans in creating a topdown 2d, and in that case, i'll just wait for that :)
Hey man, this is a good asset, just a quick question. I am using this asset to create a platformer controller tools in Unity (I only use idle, running and 2 katana attack animations), am I allowed to offer my asset for free on the Asset Store? If not, would it be okay if I re-drew the asset and sold it (for free of course)? I would only proceed with your permission, as I'm using your graphic assets.
I know, I’m nearly done with the code and was excited to share it with the community, but I realized I’ve been using a paid asset for the graphics. I just want to confirm if I can publish the code as is, without modifying the graphics, or if I need to replace them first, but thanks for your reply.
Sorry to hear that! The files are still available to download- nothing changed there, so it sounds like an itch issue or maybe something locally. You should reach out to support in that case for help.
Im waiting on their results, but what is tehe tax on this product? I only transferred 1$ to my paypal when the purchase was made so if there was any taxes on the product then that may be the reason for the hold, I presume
Lovely and extreamly useful for prototyping and as base for later (much later) self-drawing. Let's me first concentrate on what is most important at the beginning and not loose time and faith spending countless hours on creating this or to much by myself. A BIG THANKS for your hard work and still low-cost asset.
Beautiful work! As others have requested, the hand to hand combat moves can’t be found for any price on any asset store. If you add them to this pack youll have something truly special to sell.
and a group of us willing to buy it! thanks for the great work so far, it really is beautifully done.
Thank you God and to you for the existence of this. I'm an artist but my strenght is design and environment, not animation. This seems like a great template to get better animations going TT_TT
thank you SO much I'm a horrible artist but that was quite an important step in game designing (obviously lol) and just everything about this pack made it SO worth the dollar. [also I know various kicks are already on the potential future animation list but if you made them i would be so grateful]
This asset pack is one of the best things I've purchased. I've been using since it was free, and once you changed the pricing to $1 I bought it twice already!
Said that, ANY chance you could make a similar template for isometric games? I would easily pay for it too.
great asset pack, really loving the animations, one thing tho, the new Jump animation is flattened and a single layer in aseprite, Im using this in a composite animation reel and every other animation is layered but this one, can you provide the multilayered one like the others?
EDIT: this is also true for the V5 Dash animation, if you can provide the layered sprite that would be greatly appreciated
EDIT 2: seems like Katana animations are also not divided by layer per limb but legs and the rest, is it possible to have this done layered as well?
it should work fine if you just create a new animation in your game engine using the frames of the running and shooting animation, but have the animation play backwards, last frame first first frame last.
For $1 cant fault it. I would love to see some kick animations (which I see are in the pipeline) and possibly a few more hand combat moves (for beat'em up games). But overall it's great and well worth the $1 pricetag!
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Fantastic pack! I'll really enjoy utilizing this and taking off some of the pressure on the artwork side as i'm more of a programmer. Really wish i was financially able to support with more than 1$, might buy you a cup of coffee one day tho!
Hey bro , I am making a platformer pack . i made everything from tilesets to background ,but then i realized that this is the only paid pack i used instead of drawing , soooo , can i resell the modified character as part of the pack while giving credits to you ?
please respond, I appreciate your opinion.
Just purchased! This looks great and I might be able to use it as the foundation for my top down 2d game i'm making currently! I'll have to make some downward and upward movement for it -- unless you have interest or plans in creating a topdown 2d, and in that case, i'll just wait for that :)
Hey man, this is a good asset, just a quick question. I am using this asset to create a platformer controller tools in Unity (I only use idle, running and 2 katana attack animations), am I allowed to offer my asset for free on the Asset Store? If not, would it be okay if I re-drew the asset and sold it (for free of course)? I would only proceed with your permission, as I'm using your graphic assets.
thats rather redundant to ask for permission to sell someone elses work and then call it "your asset"
I know, I’m nearly done with the code and was excited to share it with the community, but I realized I’ve been using a paid asset for the graphics. I just want to confirm if I can publish the code as is, without modifying the graphics, or if I need to replace them first, but thanks for your reply.
Anyway, I think it's better if I draw the graphics myself.
I paid for this and never got it.. just came back and made an account to tell you all that
Sorry to hear that! The files are still available to download- nothing changed there, so it sounds like an itch issue or maybe something locally. You should reach out to support in that case for help.
Im waiting on their results, but what is tehe tax on this product? I only transferred 1$ to my paypal when the purchase was made so if there was any taxes on the product then that may be the reason for the hold, I presume
the best platformer pack I ever seen
Is there going to be a block animation without a sword? not required of course, but it'd be really cool!
amazing! can't believe you're only charging a dollar for all of these!
if you're accepting suggestions for future animations, what about a ceiling climb or monkey bars kind of animation?
amazing work!!
you saved me a lot of time :D excellent work!
ألم يكن هذا مجانياً سابقاً؟
thanks! awesome work
Lovely and extreamly useful for prototyping and as base for later (much later) self-drawing. Let's me first concentrate on what is most important at the beginning and not loose time and faith spending countless hours on creating this or to much by myself. A BIG THANKS for your hard work and still low-cost asset.
Beautiful work! As others have requested, the hand to hand combat moves can’t be found for any price on any asset store. If you add them to this pack youll have something truly special to sell.
and a group of us willing to buy it! thanks for the great work so far, it really is beautifully done.
Very nice! I look forward to low-kick and high-kick. and how about a "block" ?
can you do bow animation and magic shoots (like, example: fireballs or, more realistic, grenade throw)? this asset pack it's very cool!
I just bought this, and its fantastic! is there anyway you could work on a spear animation? I'd be willing to pay again for something like that.
Thank you God and to you for the existence of this. I'm an artist but my strenght is design and environment, not animation. This seems like a great template to get better animations going TT_TT
Very good, but I have a question. The katana attack animations aren't 48x48. What are they?
EDIT: Never mind, I'm stupid. I found the answer.
Can I make an asset with some animations based on this template?
I would love it for a shooting animation in the 8 cardinal directions would be amazing, in addtion to just straight ahead.
This is so good.
thank you SO much I'm a horrible artist but that was quite an important step in game designing (obviously lol) and just everything about this pack made it SO worth the dollar. [also I know various kicks are already on the potential future animation list but if you made them i would be so grateful]
This asset pack is one of the best things I've purchased. I've been using since it was free, and once you changed the pricing to $1 I bought it twice already!
Said that, ANY chance you could make a similar template for isometric games? I would easily pay for it too.
Excellent character Template. if possible , please add "Combo Sword Attack" and "Cast/Spell " Animation. Thank you.
Since there's air attacks for the katana, why not throw in air attacks for the gun? also just flying assets in general would be cool
Soo nice! Take my dolar
Thanks for the assets Cant wait
bro it's amazing pack thx for ur work
Can you do things like swinging from the rope or climbing up the rope and attack down?
Lovely asset! However, the "player katana air attack 80x64.png" file is missing (only the "upper body" png is available).
(ditto with the katana running attack)
is this project dead?
great asset pack, really loving the animations, one thing tho, the new Jump animation is flattened and a single layer in aseprite, Im using this in a composite animation reel and every other animation is layered but this one, can you provide the multilayered one like the others?
EDIT: this is also true for the V5 Dash animation, if you can provide the layered sprite that would be greatly appreciated
EDIT 2: seems like Katana animations are also not divided by layer per limb but legs and the rest, is it possible to have this done layered as well?
thank you
Please make it free, backdays was free but i lost the file
This is great! Thank you :)
Is there any chance of a backpedal style animation? Looking to have my character shoot whilst running backwards, but i'm no good at animation.
it should work fine if you just create a new animation in your game engine using the frames of the running and shooting animation, but have the animation play backwards, last frame first first frame last.
Awesome pack. Could really use that idly standing/conversation animation
at least one of us can do pixel animation XD my name is also hayden and i am in desperate need of this hahah thanks
For $1 cant fault it. I would love to see some kick animations (which I see are in the pipeline) and possibly a few more hand combat moves (for beat'em up games). But overall it's great and well worth the $1 pricetag!
I used this asset in this project:
Add the sprite size to the description
don't know if your adding anything but a throw animation would be cool ps it's really good animation pack